
Ready to enroll?
We look forward to welcoming you to our community!

Thank you for considering Care Academy Grenada for your educational journey. We’re excited to help you unlock your potential and achieve your goals in agriculture and STEM education.

(473) 537-7239
The process


Schedule a Visit

Explore our campus and facilities firsthand to experience the vibrant learning environment at Care Academy Grenada.


Submit Your Application

Complete our online application form to start your journey towards joining our diverse community of learners.


Meet Our Team

Engage in a personalized interview with our admissions team to discuss your interests, goals, and aspirations.


Enroll Today

Secure your place in our program by completing the enrollment process and taking the first step towards an enriching educational experience.

Care Academy Admission - Cocoa Farming
Care Academy Admission - Taro Vegetable

Admission Requirements:

Must be at least 18 years of age to enroll in our classes, fostering a mature learning environment conducive to growth and development.