Heroes for Grenada

Your compassion and support are fueling a brighter future for Grenada and our sister islands, Carriacou and Petite Martinique.

Welcome to our Heroes for Grenada page! Here, we take immense pride in recognizing the generous individuals and businesses who are making a significant difference in the lives of families affected by Hurricane Beryl.

Your compassion and support are fueling a brighter future for Grenada and our sister islands, Carriacou and Petite Martinique.

Because of YOU:

  • We can establish a long-term, sustainable food production initiative.
  • Care Academy students can gain valuable agricultural skills while contributing to the community’s well-being.
  • Vulnerable families will have access to fresh, nutritious fruits and vegetables.

Thank you for becoming a Hero for Grenada!

How We Recognize Your Support:

Donors your name (or business name) will be proudly displayed at the bottom of this page, along with a brief message (optional) you’d like to share.

A Thriving 16,000 sq ft Garden to Nourish Our Community

This plan outlines a comprehensive vegetable and fruit production strategy to support 50 families per week, with the potential to expand in the future. Utilizing our 16,000 square feet of growing space, we’ll implement a sustainable production system that provides fresh, nutritious food for our community.

The plan incorporates a 6-month and 1, 2-year vision, with harvest schedules, rotation strategies, and considerations for Grenada’s specific climate and planting seasons. We’ll consult with experienced local gardeners to ensure optimal results.

Initial Steps: Building a Strong Foundation

  • Land Preparation: Our 16,000 sq ft space will be properly cleared, tilled, and weeded. We’re exploring raised beds for improved drainage and soil management.

Focus on Fast-Growing Vegetables (Months 1-6):

  • Seed Selection: We’ll prioritize high-yield, fast-growing vegetables like lettuce (30 days), spinach (40 days), arugula (30 days), radishes (30 days), and green beans (50-60 days).
  • Planting Schedule: Staggered planting every 2-3 weeks ensures a continuous harvest throughout the 6 months.
  • Expected Harvest: We anticipate harvesting some vegetables within 4-6 weeks, with ongoing harvests for the entire period.
  • Reaching Our Community: Our initial production is estimated to provide a basic vegetable package for 50 families every week.

Expanding Variety and Looking Ahead (Months 3-24):

  • Vegetable Selection: As we gain experience, we’ll introduce vegetables with slightly longer growing times like tomatoes (60-70 days), peppers (60-90 days), and okra (50-60 days). Faster-growing options will be continuously planted for consistent harvests.
  • Fruits: Depending on the season, we’ll explore planting fast-growing fruits like passionfruit (9-12 months) or papaya (6-8 months) in larger containers alongside vegetables.

Years 1 & 2: Building a Sustainable Future

  • Production Optimization: We’ll refine our planting schedule and vegetable selection based on experience and harvest data to maximize yield and meet family needs.
  • Scaling Up: Year two may involve expanding our garden area or using vertical gardening techniques to increase production and support more families.
  • Perennial Crops: Planting longer-term fruits and vegetables like bananas, plantains, and some herbs will establish a more sustainable production system.
  • Composting: Implementing a composting system creates nutrient-rich soil, promoting long-term success.

Sustainable Practices:

  • Crop Rotation: Rotating crops prevents soil depletion and disease. Planting different vegetable families in the same bed each season maintains healthy soil.
  • Companion Planting: Researching and utilizing companion planting techniques deters pests and promotes beneficial insects in our garden.
  • Water Management: We’ll implement a water-efficient irrigation system, especially during dry periods.
  • Organic Pest Control: Whenever possible, we’ll utilize organic methods for pest and disease control.

Growing Together as a Community:

Care Academy students and the wider community will be actively involved in the gardening process, fostering education, a sense of ownership, and a thriving community food system.

A Bountiful Harvest: Family Food Packages

We’re thrilled to announce that our comprehensive plan includes offering family food packages featuring a combination of fresh, in-season fruits and vegetables grown on our 16,000 sq ft plot! These packages will provide a healthy and delicious boost to your family’s meals.

Package Contents:

The exact contents of each package will vary depending on what’s thriving in our garden at the time. However, you can expect a selection like this:

  • Leafy Greens: 1 head of lettuce, spinach, or a similar leafy green.
  • Root Vegetables: 4 carrots, beets, radishes, or a combination.
  • Other Vegetables: Bell peppers, sweet potatoes, tomatoes (depending on the season), green beans, and other options.
  • In-Season Fruit (Optional): Depending on the season and harvest cycle, we may include a fast-growing fruit like mango, papaya or passionfruit.

Packaging Options:

We’re committed to sustainability and will use either recyclable paper bags or compostable plastic bags for our family food packages. We’ll continue to research the most eco-friendly options for packaging.

Benefits of Our Family Food Packages:

  • Freshness: Enjoy the unmatched taste and nutritional value of homegrown produce.
  • Variety: Our packages offer a delightful mix of in-season fruits and vegetables, keeping your meals exciting and healthy.
  • Supporting the Community: By donating, you’re directly supporting Care Academy Grenada and our mission to nourish our community.

Stay tuned for more information on how to get your hands on these fantastic family food packages!

We believe in building a sustainable food system that nourishes both bodies and communities. Join us on this journey!

Meet Our Heroes:

  • Bevon Findley